Clothing is a part of your style. If you wear anything that jumps out of the style - you don't have one. Get it?
So what to wear? Well...
You have a few types of hip hop clothing, but basically I divide them to fancy, underground, self-made. So what the heck does those names mean?
Fancy: anything that is commercialized, starting with eminem and his clothing wear to 50 cents wear.
Don't get me wrong - I don't have anything against these people, but to be honest people that wear this stuff often listen only to commercial rap and never heard for any artist that doesn't appear on MTV (or some music TV). I mean, yeah, this stuff looks nice, BUT it doesn't reflect you, it reflects you money - basically telling "I have enough cash to buy these stuff". These 'hoppers' are mostly beginners, and later they or evolve a bit (or to underground, or to self-made) or stop dressing hip hop style. So don't worry - it's just a phase. (don't get me wrong, I respect people wearing this kind of clothing BUT not as much as undergrounders or self-mades)...
Underground: wearing brands you probably have never heard of, mostly un-related to any rap artist. Why is this good? Well, the choice is much wider, so you can have your own 'style in style', the clothing is not that expensive (it's rather cheap) and guess what - it look better than those commercial type wears.
Self-made: I bet you never heard of them, have you? :) well why? These people buy regular clothing only a few time larger of their size. It makes a cool effect and (by my opinion) the cheapest way to dress. Don't get me wrong, but mostly these guys know what they are listening to (There are exceptions, when a newbie doesn't have enough money to get some fancy stuff so he buy stuff like this). I like people dressing this style because it is VERY close to underground style and I like these styles...
Undergrounders and self-made have very specific style, combining stuff and creating their own style, unrelated to anything that those famous people recommend. It show style, with style...
Remember: no hopper wears tight stuff, no hopper wears DIESEL, no hopper gives a damn what other people think about him - be yourself!
Of course there are always exceptions, so don't be very strict about this dressing rules :) take them as info...
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